46 McChlery Avenue South, 190 Samora Machel, Harare
+263 8644 280501 | +263 7815 03457 | +263 7815 03455


Pomona City

Pomona City is a city within a city located in Borrwdale 

System: 12.2kw Rooftop

Location: Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe


The plant was commissioned in 26 June 2023 at Pomona Gate House with a 22 x 555Wp solar panels mounted on a roof, 12kw 3 Sunsynk hybrid Inverter together with a battery backup of 28.8kWh battery bank to ensure 100% power up time.

The project generates electricity to power up the sales office which has entertainment system, air conditioner, microwave, 24/7 borehole and booster that supplies water for constructions works, CCTVs, boom gates and gate house lights. The project has a potential of selling excess electricity back to ZETDC via the net metering program. Currently the plant is operating off-grid.